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We are an Evangelical church located in the market town of Faringdon in west Oxfordshire.  Our worship is contemporary and we are united by our love of Jesus Christ and our wish to share the Gospel, serve one another, and the wider community.


Our regular service is every Sunday morning at 10.30am in the Bromsgrove Chapel located opposite the fire station.


On Wednesdays 9.30am we have Care & Share – Join us for Coffee Cake and a Chat

Welcome to Faringdon Baptist
We are united by our love of Jesus Christ and our wish to share the Gospel,
serve one another, and the wider community.

We hold an informal service of Worship every Sunday morning at 10.30am at the Baptist Chapel, Bromsgrove

1st Sunday includes Communion and the 3rd Sunday is an all age service which is informal where we meet as  whole church family with content and format presented  to engage everyone and encourage interaction.  We have a Junior Church and creche every Sunday except the 3rd Sunday when we hold all age worship.                                                                                                 

If you would like to know more, please contact us:

Minister Rev Mark Greenwood : 07393 574141

FBC General enquiries: 07444 896502      


When – Wednesday mornings during school term time between 9.30-11.30am

Where – at Faringdon Baptist Chapel, Bromsgrove

What  – We extend a warm welcome to adults (and children who are not yet at school) to join us to chat and share a hot cuppa and homemade cakes.  We also offer prayer.


Messy Dads is a family support for parents and primary aged children on the first Saturday of every month, and held at Bromsgrove Chapel for two hours from 10am.

The original format to give Dads and their children somewhere to go on a Saturday morning that supported both groups has become a community event for primary school children and any carers – Dads, Mums, Grandparents, Carers.

We have kept the original format of providing coffee/tea and bacon sandwiches for the parents and squash and chocolate brioche for the children.  Two bouncy castles and ball pits keep the children amused whilst we also provide the days newspapers and some magazines for the adults.

The aim is to build relationships in the community, both between the helpers and some of the regular parents and more importantly between the parents and children, who may often attend the same schools or work/live nearby.

We regularly have about 20 families every Saturday, occasionally more.

You can watch some of our recent talks here:

Our Recent Talks

Each week we record our sermons.  You can watch the most recent sermon here or previous talks on our talks page or our Youtube Channel.



Here is a bit of information about the rest of the team at Faringdon Baptist.

Sharon Gerry (Elder)

Sharon moved to Faringdon as an infant in 1962 following which, she and her family became part of FBC.  Sharon attended the local schools until 1978 when  she went up to Liverpool to train as an Occupational Therapist, a profession that she has pursued in the NHS throughout her working life. Sharon is married to Tim and they have 3 grown up children and 4 lively Grandsons. Sharon and Tim have been active members of FBC since moving back to Faringdon in the mid eighties and are committed to serving God and the local community.   Sharon enjoys lots of creative activities, music, DIY, walking – gently, and more recently working on their allotment. Her passion is to share the love of Jesus with the people around her.


Dominic Bullock (Deacon)

Dominic has lived in Faringdon for over thirty years and has been coming Faringdon Baptist Church just about as long. He works in Oxford as a teacher and he helps out in leading services and being a member of the worship team.  In his spare time, he plays tennis and golf, and enjoys acting and writing.  He has a grown-up daughter.

Michael Smedley (Treasurer and Deacon)

Michael originates from Swindon and has lived in Faringdon since the 1990’s. He has been a member of the church since 1993 and is married Libby and has two grown up sons, Dan, married to Helen with a daughter Esther, and Josh, married to Ruth.  Michael is a Chartered Surveyor and Arbitrator specialising  in property and estate management and currently works for Thames Water, he is also a trustee of the Baptist Building Fund.  Outside of work Michael enjoys cycling and running (slowly) and is a member of Gloucester Rugby club.
Email: [email protected]

Gemma Ashton (Church Secretary)

Gemma moved to Shrivenham in 2010 and shortly after started attending FBC.  She is happily married to Mark  and has twin girls.  Gemma works part-time for the Armed Forces Christian Union.  Outside of work, she keeps busy running round after the children, baking cakes and attempting to keep fit!
Email: [email protected]

Rev Mark Greenwood

Rev M GreenwoodOriginally from Derbyshire, Mark lived his childhood in Suffolk, where he was baptised at Maidstone Road Baptist Church, Felixstowe. After studying at Sheffield University and training for church ministry at Bristol Baptist College he moved to Brazil to work with BMS. There he engaged in Church planting and local ministry, community development and training ministers and missionaries. He returned to UK in 2014, at age 48, to become BMS Regional Team Leader for South America and Sub-Saharan Africa. In this role Mark pastored and managed mission workers, and managed partnerships with national bodies in both continents.

After leaving BMS in November 2022 Mark had some time off before enjoying six-months as a consultant for the Oxford Centre for Mission Study (OCMS), remotely promoting a multilingual publishing site through networks around the world.

Having met at Southall Baptist Church, Suzana and Mark married in 1994, in Brazil. They have a daughter, Ana, 24, and a son, Edward, 26, married to their daughter-in-law, Rowan.Mark loves cycling and football, cinema, music and speaking different languages. Setting out on his ministry at Faringdon, Mark is looking forward to exploring the Bible and what it means for us today, through small group study and interactive preaching; pastoral care and visits; exploring faith with interested seekers, through Bible exploration and life witness; and contributing to the life of the local community.

Richard Bolter (Elder)

Richard came to faith at Reading University whilst studying agriculture. Later he joined FBC in 1987 when starting farming the family Organic Dairy Farm nearby. He is married and has three children and two grandchildren. He enjoys running regularly, researching history and reading. He is a member of the Good News for Everyone (formerly Gideons UK) and enjoys the opportunities to share faith and give out copies of God’s word.

June Parrott (Deacon)

June lives in a village local to Faringdon and has been attending FBC for 20+ years.  She has a farm with a small suckler cow herd, 2 ponies, 2 chickens and 2 golden retriever dogs.   June has 3 grown up children, who live locally, and 7 grandchildren aged from 18-3 years old which keep her busy with sleepovers and baby sitting. June works full time in Swindon in a finance office.
She helps with coffee and with children’s teaching at church and take minutes at church meetings.

Andy Gathercole (Elder)

Andy is married to Elaine and they have four children and two grandchildren. Following 31 years living in Norwich he moved to Faringdon in 2021, after retiring as a paramedic. He soon became involved in leading services and other aspects of church life. Andy loves physical challenges having completed, amongst other things, Lands’ End – John O Groats (cycling) and the London Marathon – both a long time ago! He continues to enjoy walking, running and cycling and is attempting to learn to play the ukulele.



We believe in the Biblical concept of stewardship, which teaches that everything we have (money and possessions) and everything we are (gifts and talents) belongs to God, our Creator. It’s our responsibility to manage what He gives us in line with what He wants. In the Gospels Jesus teaches extensively on money, so it’s clearly very important in our following Him.


The easiest way to give to Faringdon Baptist church is by BACS, either as a one off or a regular standing order.

Account Name: Faringdon Baptist Church
Account no: 26938532
Sort Code: 09-01-29


Faringdon Baptist Church
Bromsgrove Chapel,
20 Bromsgrove,
07444 896502

Pastor’s Number 

07393 574141


Faringdon Community Website
John Bunyan Society – Faringdon Baptist History

12 + 15 =

There is limited car parking at the Faringdon Baptist Church. Some car parking is available in the roads around Church, but please be aware of general parking restrictions. If you park on the roads around the Chapel, please park with due care and respect for the local residents thanks for your co-operation.

Faringdon also comes under the umbrella of a Stagecoach bus service S6 details of which can be found here